July 01, 2014


To start off, I have to thank my dear friend for taking me with her for this experience. Thanks to Dr. van der Hoog ,she had won a catwalk training with model-, fashion expert and founder of BdifferentKim Vos. An amazing energetic, inspiring, warm and strong woman.  She has the quality to make you feel right at home and  "special" too (this sounds corny, I know but it's true).  The location was a great bright studio with the most amazing, raw, red bricked wall.

With a group of eight we thought about our personal qualities but also about how other people (friends or strangers) perceive us. The input for this, was a walk up and down the studio. After writing this down she added her opinion to this and strangely enough she was right on the spot with almost every person. After channelling this back to the group two words would be chosen and written on your arms. On the right, a quality that you poses. On the left a word that can guide you, to the kind of person you want to be.  After completing this we started walking and working on our techniques. Shoulders back, belly up an in ...etc.


When it was time for a break we had an amazingly healthy lunch. Totally my thing and I enjoyed it very much.

Green gazpacho, fresh fruit, Home made humus and baba ganoush, A lentil, goats cheese salad and a spinach goats cheese salad with falafel and other vegetables.   

Proceeding we started getting more into the walking and practising this in different types of ways. For example, walking like a boy or walking very toughly (my favourite). We also participated in a activity where you had to look at yourself and pick out things you like about yourself. After this your partner tells you their favourite part of your body/face. A great practice for boosting up your confidence because you don't allow yourself to think negative thoughts. You learn to give certain thoughts their own place and accept them. Things are what they are.

Ok, before I become to hazy. We finished with a trial of walks ending with a real catwalk run threw. All and all it was a great experience that will stick for quite a while. For which I would like to thank my friend, Kim Vos and Dr. van der Hoog. Whom also provided all of us with an amazing goodie-bag stuffed with great products. I have already tried some and I must say I am quite amazed about the quality of their products. Especially the sensitive face mask is lovely!

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